Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is it summer yet?

I feel like there is a time every semester when I can not wait to be done. That time has come. Right now all I can think about is summer and how wonderful it will be not to work on homework everyday of the week. I can not seem to get motivated to study, I just want to be done.

Sleep is very important and I defiantly do not get enough of it. I work a lot and usually do not get home until around 9. I spend a lot of time at night doing homework instead of sleeping. That is one of my favorite things about summer, I do not have to stay up until 2 or 3 studying or working on projects. Homework can become very stressful and overwhelming. Right now teachers are trying to cram everything into the 3 weeks we have left. But the thought of everything being done is helping me get through it.

I also enjoy getting to sleep in during the summer. I schedule morning classes so I can go to work in the afternoon. I always think that it will be nice to get school out of the way in the morning. After a few months of waking up early for school I can not seem to get out of bed. I begin waking up closer and closer to the time I should be leaving my house for school. I become very lazy roll out of bed, brush my teeth, and throw on some sweats. I guess that is a typical college student.

The weather has been so beautiful lately all I want to do is go outside and relax or take my dog to the park. It is very distracting when finals are coming up. When the sun in shining down and all the neighborhood kids are outside playing and giggling I can not help but join them. I always think I have plenty on time to study and just put it off but in reality 3 weeks is not very long. Finals will be here before we know it.

That last day of class this semester will feel so great. I will feel like there is a huge lift off of my shoulders and I can become a real person again. Hope all goes well. Have a wonderful summer, enjoy!

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